Monday, August 6, 2012


PIPELINES & BORDERLINES: People Can't Drink OIL! Print Portfolio

Ruthann Godollei  _SPEW_ 
"Spew" Print by Ruthann Godollei

Artist's Statement:
I was born in Indiana when Gary was dark at noon from industrial air pollution, now I live in a state extracting Mississippi River sand and the water for washing it for fracking oil and gas elsewhere. We also have a 300-mile Canadian tar sands crude oil pipeline in Minnesota with record of ruptures and fires. Reading about the oil contamination in the Gulf of Mexico, I was struck by the smallness of the words used to describe huge events: "spill", or "leak". The text and images in my prints point to policy and consequences. That we decide as a society to allow deep water drilling and hydraulic sand fracturing strikes me as absurd. That we let corporations decide environmental policy strikes me as criminal.

Ruthann Godollei is a Professor of Art at Macalester College in St. Paul, Minnesota. She exhibits internationally, incorporating political and social commentary in her prints. Her work is in many internatinal collections, such as the Centre For Fine Print Research, Bristol, UK, the Polish National Museum of Art, Poznan, KUMU National Art Museum, Tallinn, Estonia and the penang State Museum, Malaysia.

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